
curriculum vitae

Personal information

Surname(s) / First name(s)

Christopoulos Dimitris





Date of birth




Work experience


2003- today
Occupation or position held

Assistant Professor
Main activities and responsibilities

Since september 2003, lecturer at the university after three years of teachning experience as adjunct professor at the Aristotelion University of Thessalonika. Since September 2003, elected assistant professor responsable for four courses:
a) Introduction to the theory of state and public law (1st semester),
b) Minorities in Europe (optional course)
c) Migration and citizenship (8th semester).
d) Art, religion and sensorship (optional course)
Responsible of a seminar in the postgraduate degree of the Department on “Minorities in Modernity”)
Name and address of employer

Department of Political Science and History – Panteion University (Athens)

Position Held

Main activities and responsibilities

September 2009 – September 2011
Project Leader

From September 2009 till September 2011, leader of the twinning project “Strengthening the capacities of the Serbian Ombudsman” financed by the E.C. The project leader is responsible for the overall implementation of the project, the selection of the short term experts, the coordination among the project’s main actors, i.e. the Serbian Ombudsman, the Greek Ombudsman and the National Ombudsman of the Netherlands

Occupation or position held

2000- 2009
Main activities and responsibilities

Project Manager
Name and address of employer

Institution Building EUNOMIA project for the promotion of the Ombudsman institutions (www.synigoros.gr/eunomia) From 2000 till today, in capacity of the institution building Eunomia project manager of the office of the Greek Ombudsman, I’ve organized, directed and participated in numerous different field missions, training seminars and international conferences in Albania, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Azerbaijan, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Romania, Georgia, Turkey and Armenia. The project, financed by the Greek Government is implemented under the auspices of the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe and is accountable to the Financing Services of the Council of Europe.
Name and address of employer

The Office of the Greek Ombudsman, 5 Hadjziyanni Mexi St. 11524 Athens Gr – Office for the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, Palais de l’Europe Strasbourg F-67075


1996- today
Occupation or position held

Executive Director
Main activities and responsibilities

The Minority Groups Research Centre (KEMO), an independent think tank on minority issues gathering a number of 40 – mainly Greek - academics and experts on minorities and migrants  (www.kemo.gr). Since 1999, co-director of  the “KEMO Series of Studies” at the Kritiki publishers (www.kritiki.gr), which has already published 9 different volumes dedicated to the study of migration and the minority phenomenon in Greece.

Name and address of employer

KEMO, Minority Groups Research Centre (www.kemo.gr) , 5 Venizelou Str. Thessalonika 54040 GR


2000- today
Occupation or position held

Chairman of Administrative Board
Main activities and responsibilities

The Hellenic League for Human Rights is the oldest NGO in Greece active in the field of human rights. In my capacity as chairman of the administrative board, I assume the co-ordination of activities, planning of the NGO strategy in the field of human rights, representation and public intervention.
Name and address of employer

Hellenic League for Human Rights (www.hlhr.gr )   12 Valaoritou Str. 10671 Athens GR


Occupation or position held

Senior Human Rights Officer ad Head-of-Office
Main activities and responsibilities

- Monitoring and implementation of human rights
- collaboration and support to the national judicial or quasi-judicial mechanisms and representatives of international organizations, - diplomatic representation,  managerial tasks
Name and address of employer

OSCE, Organization for Security and Cooperation – Mission in Bosnia – Herzegovina, Fra Andjela Zvizdovica 1  ·  71000 Sarajevo ·  BiH


Occupation or position held

Temporary agent
Main activities and responsibilities

Assisting in the day-to-day functions with relation to service editing and documentation (i.e., elaboration of information bulletins of various topics).
Name and address of employer

Department of Edition and Documentation of the Council of Europe , Palais de l’Europe, S-67075 FR


Occupation or position held

Main activities and responsibilities

Working in the administrative department of the Secretary General, under the supervision of the Chief of Staff.
Name and address of employer

Secretary General of the European Commission: Unit Relations with the European Parliament, 


Occupation or position held

Main activities and responsibilities

Assisting a senior employee, preparing projects and participating in meetings.
Name and address of employer

Legal Affairs and Human Rights Commission of the Consulting Assembly of the Council of Europe, Palais de l’Europe, S-67075 FR
Type of business or sector


Education and training


Title of qualification awarded

Post doctorate in Public Law
Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered

Human rights – minorities – migrants - citizenship
Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Athens University/Greek Foundation of State Fellowships
Level in national or international classification

Post doctorat

Title of qualification awarded

PhD in public law
Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered

Minority rights, human rights, European law, legal theory
Name and type of organisation providing education and training

University Jules Vernes- Picardie (Strasbourg, Brussels, Amiens)
Level in national or international classification

European Doctorate Label - PhD in Public Law,  Mention Excellent
Conditions for the acquisition of the European Doctorate label are:
a) the 2 ‘rapporteurs’ of the jury belong to universities of other member States of the EU, b) the bilingual defense (fr/en) c) academic intership in another State during the elaboration of the PhD d) mutlinational composition of the defense jury: Pr. P. Thornberry, C.Rozakis, G.Haarscher. A.Fenet, G. Soulier (UK/GR/B/FR/FR)


Title of qualification awarded

LL.M. in Legal Theory
Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered

Legal philosophy, Human rights, theory of public law, legal anthropology
Name and type of organisation providing education and training

European Academy of Legal Theory, Brussels
Level in national or international classification

Masters degree

Title of qualification awarded

D.E.A in Political Science
Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered

Legal philosophy, Human rights, theory of public law, legal anthropology
Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Université Robert Schuman, Strasbourg III, France, Institut d’Etudes Politiques
Level in national or international classification

Masters degree


Title of qualification awarded

Diploma (Ptyhion) in Law
Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered

Constitutional law, penal law, civil law, procedural law, international law
Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Law Faculty of the Democrition University of Thrace, Komotini
Level in national or international classification

Personal skills and competences

Mother tongue(s)


Other language(s)



 European level (*)

Spoken interaction
Spoken production














(*) Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level

Social skills and competences

Organisational skills and competences

Technical skills and competences

Computer skills and competences

Word, excel

Artistic skills and competences

Musician (guitar, percussion) and dj (rock, world music, greek folklore and popular music)

Other skills and competences

Driving licence(s)


Member of the Greek National Commission for Human Rights from 2008 till today assigned by the Department of Political Science and History of Panteion University. In this capacity, I have been assigned by the Commission as its raporteur for the draft law on ‘Penalizing some forms of hate and racist speech’ elaborated by the Greek Ministry of Justice in February 2011.  (the text of the report on www.hlhr.gr )

Additional information –





Selected Publications


   BOOKS (author)

  1. Droit, Europe et minorités – Kritique de la connaissance juridique, Ed. Sakkoulas, Athens, 2000 (438 p. in French)
  2. Η ετερότητα ως σχέση εξουσίας (Otherness as a power relation) , Ed. Kritiki, Athens 2002, (303 p. in greek)

  1. Το μειονοτικό φαινόμενο στην Ελλάδα (The Minority Phenomenon in Greece), with K. Tsitselikis, Ed.    Kritiki, Athens 1998, (461 p. in Greek)
  2. Νομικά ζητήματα θρησκευτικής ετερότητας (Legal Issues of Religious Otherness) Ed. Kritiki, Athens, 1999 (330 p. in Greek)
  3. Η γλωσσική ετερότητα στην Ελλάδα (Minority languages in Greece) with L. Baltsiotes, S. Beis, L. Empirikos, A. Ioannidou, E. Karatzola, Ed. Alexandreia, Athens, 2001
  4. Η ελληνική μειονότητα της Αλβανίας (Τhe Greek minority of Albania) with K. Tsitselikis, Ed. Kritiki, Athens 2003 ( p. 340 in Greek)
  5. Τα δικαιώματα στην Ελλάδα από το τέλος του εμφυλίου ως το τέλος της μεταπολίτευσης (Human Rights in Greece from the end of the civil war to the end of “change of regime”) 1953-2003, with M. Tsapogas, Ed. Kastanioti, Athens 2004 (p. 517 in Greek)
  6. Η Ελλάδα της μετανάστευσης (Migrations Greece) with M. Pavlou, Ed. Kritiki, Athens, 2004, (p. 420 in greek)
  7. - The Ombudsman in Southeastern Europe, with D. Hormovitis, Ed. Sakkoulas – Bruylant, Athens-Brussels, march 2005 (353 p.  in English)
  8. Όψεις λογοκρισίας στην Ελλάδα  (Aspects of censorship in Greece  with L. Karabinis, G. Ziogas, Y. Stavrakakis Athens, Nefeli, 2008 (346 p.)

Selected publications:

- “Art can legitimately offend”, in Tackling blasphemy, insult and hatred in a democratic society, Venice Commission, Council of Europe Publications, Strasbourg 2009, pp. 245-273.

- “Greece” in in R. Baubock, E. Ersboll, K. Greoenedijk, H. Waldrauch, Nationality Policies and Trends in 15 European States, vol. 2 - Country Analyses, Amsterdam University Press, Imiscoe Series,  2006.*   

-“Traditional Human Rights mechanisms and the rising role of mediation in South-eastern Europe”, with Nikiforos Diamandouros in  The Ombudsman in Southeastern Europe (cf.above) [

[the article appeared first with the same title in hebrew in: Iyunim Bebikoret Hamedina, Reflections on State Audit Affairs-2002, Israel, Volume 59, pp. 45-59 translated to Greek and published in The Greek Review of Political Science pp. 5-18]

- «  Le statut (de protection) de minoritės nationales: une exception en droit public » in : The protection of national minorities by their kin-state, European Commission for Democracy through Law, Council of Europe Publishing, Collection Science and technique of democracy, No. 32, pp. 209-234

- “The Peculiar Tripolarity of the European Model of Legal Integration and the Deficiences of the European legal theory” with Dimitris Dimoulis, in Y.  Milios, L.Katseli, T.Pelagides ed.,  Rethinking Democracy and the Welfare State, ed., Ashgate, 2002 [the article was translated in Portuguese “Crises e Perspectivas da Integrăço Juridica na Europa” and published  in Cadernos de Direito, Volume 2, No 2-2002, Piracicaba-Brazil, pp. 75-93]

- “Preventing human rights violations on the field: the role of the OSCE missions”, in L.-A. Sisilianos (ed.) The preventions of human rights violations, International Colloquium of the Marangopoulos Foundation for Human Rights, The Hague, Kluwer Law International, 2001 pp.101-122.

- “Misleading perceptions on Minority Rights in Greece”, The New Millenium: Challenges and Strategies for a Globalizing World, ed. S.F. Crishna-Hensel , Ashgate 2000, pp. 149-172 [dignity, 1],

- Greece, (with Constantinos Tsitselikis) in the Miniguide to Lesser Used Languages of the E.U., Diarmaid Breathnach ed., European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages, Dublin, 1998
- “Human Rights as a Paradigm of the concept of European democracy through the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights” (in greek “Τα δικαιώματα του ανθρώπου ως Παράδειγμα της έννοιας της ευρωπαϊκής δημοκρατίας μέσα από τη νομολογία του Δικαστηρίου των Δικαιωμάτων του Ανθρώπου”) in to Syntagma, Νο 3, 1996, σσ. 619-643

- Note sur la nature des droits linguistiques, Research Centre on Multilinguism, 20th Anniversary Festchrift, Brussel, 1996,  pp. 319-421

- Minority Protection : Towards a New European Approach, Balkan Forum, Vol.1, No 2, Skopje, 1994, pp. 155-177

* Participant as a national correspondent on behalf of the Hellenic League for Human Rights in the NATAC-research project  “The acquisition of nationality in EU-member states: rules, practices and quantitative developments”. This project lasted for 18 months during 2005 and 2006 and has been coordinated by the Austrian Academy of Science, Institute for European Integration Research (EIF). The project team of the NATAC research project consists of a consortium of five partner institutes: the Austrian Academy of Sciences, the European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research (Vienna), the Centre for Migration Law (Nijmegen), the Center for International and European Law on Immigration and Asylum (Konstanz) and the Danish Institute of Human Rights (Copenhagen).


Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου