

Place and date of birth:               Athens, February 6th, 1969
Family status:                                Married to Marilena Katsimi(three children)
Address:                                          Bohali 63, 115 24 Athens, Greece
Tel. e-mail & blogspot:                00302106916957,00306936916957 dimitrischristopoulos@yahoo.gr, dimitrischristopoulos.blogspot.com  

·         Dimitris Christopoulos is an Associate professor of state and legal theory at the Department of Political Science and History of the Panteion University of Athens (www.panteion.gr) where he teaches ever since 2000.
·         Since 2013, he is Vice President of the International Federation for Human Rights (www.fidh.org)

He studied law at the University of Komotini in Greek Thrace and continued his postgraduate studies (D.E.A) in political science and European studies at the University Robert Schuman in Strasbourg, masters’ degree in legal theory at the European Academy for Legal Theory in Brussels and his PhD in public law at the University Jules Vernes  of Picardie (Amiens) in France from where he graduated in 1996. His Phd dealt with the minority issue in Europe from a normative analytical perspective (cf. publications).

  • From ‘93 till ‘94 he worked at the Council of Europe as temporary staff at the Secretariat of the Parliamentary Assembly and at the Service of Editions and Documentation (SEDDOC). From 1996 till 1998, we joined the OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) Missions in Albania and Bosnia-Herzegovina respectively as election coordinator, senior human rights officer and Head-of-Office.  Once he returned to Greece in 1998, he started working as a senior investigator at the Office of the Greek Ombudsman and taught for three years as adjunct professor at the Political Science Department of the Aristotelion University of Thessalonica until 2003 when he has been elected as lecturer at Panteion University. From 2001 to 2009, he has been the Manager of the Eunomia institution-building project of the Greek Ombudsman under the auspices of the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe (www.synigoros.gr/eunomia), a project aiming at the promotion and networking of the ombudsman institutions in Southeastern Europe and the Caucasus region under the auspices of the High Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe.  Since September 2009 till 2011, leader of the EU project Strengthening the capacity of the Serbian Ombudsman”. Occasionally, he serves as Short Term Expert in EU and Council of Europe institution building projects in the Balkans, the Caucasus region and Central Asia.
  • From January till July 2015, he served as Senior Advisor of the Alternate Minister for Migration Policy on citizenship, migration and asylum issues.

With Kostas Tsitselikis, they founded in 1996 the Minority Groups Research Centre (KEMO), the first Greek independent think tank on minority issues gathering a number of 40 – mainly Greek - academics and experts on minorities and migrants (www.kemo.gr). Since 1999, they are directing the “KEMO Series of Studies” at the Kritiki publications (www.kritiki.gr), which has already published 15 different volumes dedicated to the study of migration and the minority phenomenon in Greece. In 2009 the KEMO Series of Studies moved to Vivliorama publications (www.bibliorama.gr).  
From 2003 till 2011 and after eight years in the administrative board, he served as President of the Hellenic League for Human Rights (www.hlhr.gr), the oldest Greek NGO acting in the field of human rights and affiliated member of the International Federation for Human Rights (www.fidh.org). From July 2011, he is the League’s vice president. During this period, the Greek League for Human Rights has acquired a status of a prestigious human rights association consulted by media, political parties, NGOs and International Organizations operating in Greece. Christopoulos is frequently interviewed by international or Greek media, writes regularly in the Greek press, contributing to the promotion of a human rights awareness culture in the country, particularly within the current Greek financial crisis. In May 2013 he was elected Vice president of the FIDH where the Hellenic League for Human Rights is the affiliate Greek member.
He is member of the Greek National Commission for Human Rights from 2008 till today (www.nchr.gr).
Since 2009, he is the Greek national expert of the European Union Democracy Observatory (EUDO) providing reports and information on acquisition and loss of citizenship in Europe. www.eudo-citizenship.eu
Since 2010, he is the Greek senior expert of the Fundamental Rights Agency Focal Point in Greece for the needs of the FRALEX project of FRA http://fra.europa.eu/en/tags/fralex

His courses at the Department of Political Science and History of Panteion University include:
-  Introduction at the European Legal and State Theory (second semester)
-  Minorities in Europe (optional course)
-  Citizenship and Migration (optional course)
-  Art, freedom and censorship (optional course)
-  Minorities in Modernity (master’s degree)

He has taught as visiting professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Social Theory of the Belgrade University (Serbia) in the winter term of 2010 and has provided lectures in different universities in Europe and the US.  He has published in Greek, English, French, Portuguese, Hebrew, Albanian and Serbo-Croatian in scientific reviews or journals in the field of legal and political theory focusing on issues related to human rights, minorities, migrants and citizenship. He is a frequent columnist at the Greek newsparers Avgi tis Kyriakis (Αυγή της Κυριακής), To Vima (Το Βήμα) and Efimerida ton Syntakton (Εφημερίδα των Συντακτών) and of the web portal tvxs. 

1.              Droit, Europe et minorités – Critique de la connaissance juridique, Ed. Sakkoulas, Athens, 2000 (438 p. in French ISBN: 960-15-0383-8)
2.              Η ετερότητα ως σχέση εξουσίας (Otherness as a power relation) , Ed. Kritiki, Athens 2002, (303 p. in Greek ISBN 978-960-238-262-8)
3.              Ποιος είναι έλληνας πολίτης; Καθεστώς ιθαγένειας (Who is a Greek citizen? Status of the Greek nationality) Viviliorama Pub. 2012 (404 p. in Greek ISBN 978-960-8087-99-6)
4.              Στο ρίσκο της κρίσηςΣτρατηγικές της αριστεράς των δικαιωμάτων (At risk in the crisis – Left human rights strategies)  Alexandreia Pub.  2013 (213 p. in Greek  ISBN 978-960-221-582-1)
5.              H κρίση των δικαιωμάτων, The rights crisis (Chronos books and Nefeli pub. e-book free access:    http://www.chronosmag.eu/index.php/christopoulos-xbook01.html

6.              Το μειονοτικό φαινόμενο στην Ελλάδα (The Minority Phenomenon in Greece), with K. Tsitselikis, Ed.    Kritiki, Athens 1998, 4th edition, (461 p. in Greek, ISBN 960-218-148-6))
7.              Νομικά ζητήματα θρησκευτικής ετερότητας (Legal Issues of Religious Otherness) Ed. Kritiki, Athens, 1999 (330 p. in Greek, ISBN 960-218-185-0)
8.              Η γλωσσική ετερότητα στην Ελλάδα (Minority languages in Greece) with L. Baltsiotes, S. Beis, L. Empirikos, A. Ioannidou, E. Karatzola, Ed. Alexandreia, Athens, 2001 (393 p. in Greek ISBN 960-221-
9.              Η ελληνική μειονότητα της Αλβανίας (Τhe Greek minority of Albania) with K. Tsitselikis, Ed. Kritiki, Athens 2003 ( p. 340 in Greek, ISBN 960-218-325-x))
10.           Τα δικαιώματα στην Ελλάδα από το τέλος του εμφυλίου ως το τέλος της μεταπολίτευσης (Human Rights in Greece from the end of the civil war to the end of “change of regime”) 1953-2003, with M. Tsapogas, Ed. Kastanioti, Athens 2004 (p. 517 in Greek ISBN 960-03-3866-3))
11.           Η Ελλάδα της μετανάστευσης (Migrations Greece) with M. Pavlou, Ed. Kritiki, Athens, 2004, (p. 420 in Greek ISBN 960-218-388-8)
12.           - The Ombudsman in Southeastern Europe, with D. Hormovitis, Ed. Sakkoulas – Bruylant, Athens-Brussels, 2005 (353 p.  in English ISBN: 2-8027-1958-0)
13.           Όψεις λογοκρισίας στην Ελλάδα  (Aspects of censorship in Greece)  with L. Karabinis, G. Ziogas, Y. Stavrakakis Athens, Nefeli, 2008 (346 p. ISBN 978-960-211-862-7)
14.         Το ανομολόγητο ζήτημα των μειονοτήτων στην ελληνική έννομη τάξη (The non confessed issue of minorities in the Greek legal order) Athens, kritiki,2009 (216 p. in Greek ISBN 978-960-218-602-2)
15.         Iδιότητα του πολίτη: Πολιτικός λόγος, κανόνες, ιστορία σε συγκριτικές προοπτικές (Questionning citizenship: Political Discourse, Norms and History in Comparative Perspectives) with G. Kouzelis, Athens, Patakis Ed., Athens, 2012, (p 324 in Greek)
16.          O θεός δεν έχει ανάγκη εισαγγελέα – Εκκλησία, βλασφημία και Χρυσή Αυγή (God does not need an attorney. Church, blasphemy and Golden Dawn), Hellenic League for Human Rights, Athens, 2013, p. 145 in Greek
  1. Το βαθύ κράτος και η Ακροδεξιά στην Ελλάδα(The Deep State and the Extreme right in contemporary Greece) , Nisos Publications & Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Athens, 2014 (p. 321, in Greek) English summary at http://rosalux-europa.info/publications/books/right-wing-extremism-in-greece/
  2. «Όλα μπορούν να λεχθούν» ή υπάρχουν «εκείνα που δε λέγονται;»
    “All can be said” or there are “those one can’t tell”?, Vivliorama Publications, Athens, 2015, p. 212
·         «Institutional Discourse on Minority Rights at the Dawn of the 21st Century» σε: Palonen K. & Malkopoulou A. (eds.), Rhetoric, Politics and Conceptual Change, Foundation of the Finnish Institute of Athens, Helsinki - Αθήνα, 2011, σ. 86-95
·         «Defining the changing boundaries of the Greek nationality» σε: Tziovas D. (ed.), Greek Diaspora and Migration since 1700: society, politics and culture, Ashgate Pub. UK, 2009, σ. 111-124
·         “Islam and State Religion in Greece: From the Formation of the ‘Greek Orthodox Genos’ to the Era of Migration” σε: J. Pettifer and M. Nazarko (Eds.), Strengthening Religious Tolerance for a Secure Civil Society in Albania and the Southern Balkans, IOS Press, 2007, σ. 66-73
·         «Country report: Greece», σε: EUDO Citizenship Observatory – European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Country Report  http://eudo-citizenship.eu/country-profiles/?country=Greece 2009
·         «The imminent future of Greek citizenship», EUDO Citizenship Observatory – European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies σε: http://eudo-citizenship.eu/docs/TheImminentFutureofGreekCitizenship.pdf, 2010
·          “Preventing ethnic tensions: Bentham’s “self-regarding prudence” as a way out of pessimism” σε: Ethnicity Research Centre (ed.), Democracy and Multiculturalism in South East Europe, Βελιγράδι, 2003, σ. 143-156 
·          “Impasses in the Treatment of Minorities and Homogeneis in Greece” [με τον Konstantinos Tsitselikis] σε: Jahrbücher für Geschichte und Kultur Südosteuropas, History and Culture of South Eastern Europe, volume 5/2003. Minorities in Greece: Historical Issues and New Perspectives, σ. 81-93.
·         «From Institution Building to Confidence Building» σε: Dimitris Christopoulos, Dimitris Hormovitis (editors),σε: The Ombudsman in Southeastern Europe, Εκδόσεις Ant. N. Sakkoulas, Bruylant, Αθήνα-Βρυξέλλες, 2005, σ. 11-18
·          “Art can legitimately offend”, in Tackling blasphemy, insult and hatred in a democratic society, Venice Commission, Council of Europe Publications, Strasbourg 2009, pp. 245-273
·         Greece” in in R. Baubock, E. Ersboll, K. Greoenedijk, H. Waldrauch, Nationality Policies and Trends in 15 European States, vol. 2 - Country Analyses, Amsterdam University Press, Imiscoe Series,  2006.
·         Traditional Human Rights mechanisms and the rising role of mediation in South-eastern Europe”, with Nikiforos Diamandouros in  The Ombudsman in Southeastern Europe (cf.above) [[the article appeared first with the same title in hebrew in: Iyunim Bebikoret Hamedina, Reflections on State Audit Affairs-2002, Israel, Volume 59, pp. 45-59 translated to Greek and published in The Greek Review of Political Science pp. 5-18]
·          “Preventing human rights violations on the field: the role of the OSCE missions”, in L.-A. Sisilianos (ed.) The preventions of human rights violations, International Colloquium of the Marangopoulos Foundation for Human Rights, The Hague, Kluwer Law International, 2001 pp.101-122.
·         Misleading perceptions on Minority Rights in Greece”, The New Millenium: Challenges and Strategies for a Globalizing World, ed. S.F. Crishna-Hensel , Ashgate 2000, pp. 149-172

Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου